
Aral Region Water Filtration

In late March, I joined a team of local environmental engineers and organizers on a project to support access to clean water in the Aral Region of western Uzbekistan.


The following table describes the activities conducted at each of the 4 schools we visited:

School Site


Student Projects

Water Survey

Filter Installation

Kegeyli 12-mektep

Kegeyli 41-mektep

Muynoq 1-mektep

(Previously installed)

Qonliqol 7-mektep

In total, we worked with 131 students across 4 schools and provided clean drinking water to over 2,500 members of the schools’ respective communities.

Student Works

At the beginning of the program, we asked the students what ecological issues they faced in their community and what projects they would pursue if there were no resource limits. They designed all sorts of recycling systems, bird hunting bans, solar powered air filters.

After a week of lessons, we asked them again to brainstorm what sorts of projects they would pursue themselves if they had $250. Of the 8 project ideas suggested during the student brainstorming session, we gave the students the opportunity to vote for their projects.

3 projects were selected at each school and teams of 10-15 were formed. Each team had a budget of $250. During the weekend, the organizers traveled to Nukus to procure and transport the requested materials. The following photo journal captures their projects and work:

Evaporative Cooling System

Water Filter Station

Open-Air Drip Irrigation System

Greenhouse Drip Irrigation System

Adaptable Fruit Trees

Three-Stage Compost Station